Hemorrhoids Home Remedies You Can Use To Cure The Problem

In this article, I'm going to discuss the best ways to take care of hemorrhoids. But first, let's go over what exactly hemorrhoids are. Hemorrhoids are sometimes known as piles, and occur when ano-rectal veins become inflamed. This inflammation can be caused by numerous factors, including prolonged sitting or standing, or even pregnancy. Piles often result in pain, itching, and bleeding. The two most common types of piles are internal and external. The main difference is in where exactly on the rectum they are located. If you are unsure whether you actually have piles, it can help to take a look at piles pictures, or if your symptoms are severe, you may want to consult a doctor.

Here is one interesting piles treatment that is practiced by naturopaths which involves mango seeds. The mango seeds are first dried. The next step is then to powder the seeds and then store them for use. The recommended naturopathic dose is 1 and half grams twice daily. This can also be taken with honey if needed. This has been known to be an effective way to stop the piles and has been used successfully by ayurvedic doctors.

If you are not so much in a hurry or only have a mild piles pain attack, you can try a sitz bath to soothe your burning bum. Soak it on a tub of warm water for about 20 minutes and that will produce an instant relief. You get a hygienic clean-up at the same time.

First, let's look at some piles remedies that will help you with how to soothe them if you already have them. The old-fashioned standby for this condition is witch hazel.

If you want permanent relief from your hemorrhoids, you have to deal with your constipation problem first. The first step to this is drinking a lot of water. Water not only keeps the body hydrated but also keeps your stools soft, loose and easy to pass.

Always make the surgical method your last resort since it is really drastic. Two of the best and effective surgical methods are laser and band treatment.

It can also be cut off in an electrical process. Medicines can be injected into it to do damage to the vein and dry it up. It can be frozen off, like check here many dermatologists do with moles. It can also be surgically cut off, but this has been known to lead to problems later.

Creams and medications are temporary relief and help to mask the underlying problem. The do help with the irritable symptoms but they won't cure the problem. If we leave the problem for to long it causes the piles to worsen and it becomes a continuous revolving cycle. Piles can enlarge or even Thrombose and cause bleeding and that is something you want to avoid at all costs.

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